Current Shares Portfolio

Current Position:  UP 102% plus annual dividends to be added on top. Note that all positions are assumed to stay open in the event of an ongoing loss situation. Many investors use a 25% stop loss position in order to minimise losses on one particular stock. Please note that as we approach the end of 2014 I am slowly reducing my stake in the stock market as I believe a collapse is imminent.
CompanyTickerDate of EntryPrice on EntryPrice NowCap Gain
Dividend  Market
GoldcorpNYSE: GGJan 2008$28.84$18.55– 35% +1.2% dividendGold MiningBUY
BPFTSE: BP.LJan 2010£570.00£449.25– 21% +3.8% dividend Oil/GasBUY
BPFTSE: BP.LJul 2010£330.00£449.25+ 36% +3.8% dividend Oil/GasBUY
Markwest EnergyNYSE: MWEJan 2010$30.95$68.48+ 121% + 5.96% dividend EnergyBUY
India FundNYSE: IFNJan 2010$17.20$27.87+ 62%
(+11% cash dist.)
 + 0.6% dividend IndiaBUY
Barrick GoldNYSE: ABXJan 2010$35.04$19.57– 44% + 1.3% dividend Gold (& Copper) MiningBUY
Silver Wheaton
17.6.11 Sell On Highs
TO:SLWJul 2010 $18.54 $38.31 +106%
Banked Profits
  + 0.4% dividend SilverSOLD 106% profit
Transatlantic PetroleumAMEX: TATJan 2011 $ 3.20 $ 1.064  – 65%    N/A Oil/TurkeyBUY
Stans Energy CorpTSX:HRE
changed from RUU
Jan 2011 C$2.10 $ 0.185  – 91%    N/A Rare EarthsBUY
Ucore Rare MetalsCDNX:UCU.VJan 2011 C$ 0.84CAD 0.46   -45%    N/A Rare EarthsBUY
CamecoTO:CCOJan 2011 C$ 41.00CAD 24.92   -39%    N/A UraniumBUY
 CamecoTO:CCO Mar 2011 C$ 28.00 CAD
   -11%    N/A UraniumBUY
14.9.12 take profits
LLOY.LMay 2012£0.25£0.76+ 204%    N/A BankingTAKE PROFITS
 Ericsson Nasdaq:ERIC Nov 2012 $8.64$12.67+ 47% Tech Stock TAKE PROFITS
 Apple Inc Nasdaq:AAPL Nov 2012$54.00 $100.57+ 86% Tech stock SOLD 86% profit
 Biotime Amex:BTX Jan
 $3.95 $3.50 -11%         – Bio BUY
 Igas Energy IGAS.L July 2013 £1.17£1.30+ 11% Energy BUY
 Centrica CNA.L July 2013£ 3.88£3.23– 16% Energy BUY

Last Updated 1.11.14

The stocks listed are stocks that I personally own, either directly or through a company. A 25% stop loss would be sensible to limit losses on a falling stock. I am not an IFA and cannot tell you what you should and should not invest in. Not all investments are suitable for everyone. Your capital is at risk when you invest in shares. Never risk more than you can afford to lose.  Past performance is no indicator of future performance. Always seek independent financial advice before making any investment decision.

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